Gardening Home Decor

The 10 best big indoor plants to grow in your home!

Do you want to make a brave statement in the interior design of your home or just want to add natural elements, there is no better choice than plants! High and fertile indoor plants will immediately become a focal point for a room. You can clearly have cute little ornaments, mini herb parks, and sweet small succulents. However, there is something very unique than the usual about having large indoor plants!

Trees or high home plants under the roof you will immediately change space by adding green pop and making tropical vibrations, such as forests. From the Instagram page to Pinterest home decorations, at present, adorable but large ornamental plants, large and indoor trees can be seen everywhere.

Do you like to follow this irresistible trend? Today on this blog, we have made a list of ten of the best best indoor plants. You can buy a single tree or change your place into your own private forest. We also included concern tips in depth for those who do not know how to take care of large indoor plants.

The 10 best big indoor plants for your home!

Plants not only make amazing places but also provide fresh air! So, whether you want a compact tree or a towering indoor tree, here are some of the most popular oversized plants and the best indoor plants to grow for you. Choose one for home, office, or anywhere.

  1. Money tree

The best large indoor plants


Botanical Name: Pachira Aquatica

Features: Trunk Twisted and extensive leaves

Exposure to sunlight: bright light, indirect

Land type: sandy peat soil

PH land: 6.0 to 7.5

As soon as you bring this tree tree, your wallet and bank account will start filling with money! Yes, I’m joking. There is no guarantee whether this tree will bring money or not but surely it will give you fresh air. Don’t confuse this plant with a Chinese money factory or Pilea Peperomioida.

The money tree grows well with good humidity and bright light, indirectly, so you can also place it in your bathroom. For watering routines, follow the weekly plan. Make sure it is not exposed to dry, cold or cold and constant darkness airflow.

  1. Monsters.

The best large indoor plants


Botanical name: Monstera Deliciosa

Exposure to sunlight: bright light, indirect

Land type: mixed pots that are well dried

PH land: 5.5 to 7.0

Do you want to add the perfect accent part to your open indoor space? Go with trendy and interesting monsters plants. This tree can reach eight feet in Indoors! They are the best indoor plants.

Anyone can easily be easily impressed with the dereably and a heart-shaped leaves that can sometimes grow two legs if the condition is right! They grow healthy in high moisture; However, they need a lot of bright and indirect light to expand into a full size room.

  1. New Zealand Laurel

The best large indoor plants


Botanical name: Corynocarpus laevigatus

Features: High with oval leaves

Exposure to sunlight: indirect light

Land type: well curated land

Next in the list is this unique factory called Laurels New Zealand. They are also known as the corynocarpus laevigatus and karaka trees. Not so commonly seen in American homes, but you can add this beautiful plant to your place.

These trees prefer moist soil but also make sure not to add it because it can damage the leaves. You can also give them fertilizers during the spring. Instead of giving the direct sunlight of this tree, save it in a room that gets a lot of spreading.

  1. Crying Ara / General Ara

The best large indoor plants


Botanical name: Ficus Benjamina

Sun exposure: light, indirect, direct sun

Land type: Rich and fast pot mixture

Land pH: 6.0 to 6.5

Crying Ara or General Ara is another family member of the Ficus. Perfect for those who are looking for trees in a classic room. The need for full, attractive greenery, low maintenance needs, and tolerance for low light environments makes these trees favorite everyone.

Fig leaves can change the color of the leaves from dark green to pale yellow and cream, and they can grow up to six feet. For that, all you need is to give them bright light, indirectly, keep the land remains moist, and fertilize regularly. This will make all the insects and fungal infections go away. These things can greatly damage your tree and damage the chances of life and produce fruit.

Quick Tip: Keep your tree away from the heating and door ventilation as a draft, hot air, or cold can hurt them.

  1. Corn factory

The best large indoor plants


Botanical name: Dracaena Fragrans

Exposure to sunlight: indirectly diffuse sunlight

This type of soil: soil pots are well curated

Land pH: 6 to 6.5

Do you want to make a bright California vibration in your high-cinnamon room? If yes, without thinking a lot, buy Dracaena. It is also known as a corn plant or dragon tree, and it can grow 12 feet high!

The best large indoor plants


Striped leaves and long and tight stems will help you achieve perfect summer vibrations. If you want to grow your corn plants quickly, give it with lots of bright and indirect light. They can bear underwater, but not excessive.

Fast Tip: Check moisture and make sure not to overwater your plant because it can damage the leaves to yellow.

  1. Bird of Paradise

high house plants


Botanical Name: Strelitzia Reginae

Exposure to sunlight: bright light, indirect

Land type: a mixture of pots that are well curated

PH land: 5.5 to 7.5

No, we don’t talk about any place; We talk about trees! Yes, Bird of Paradise is a tree that is also known as Strelitzia Reginae. They have bright neon flowers. Usually, paradise is not flowering in the room, but if you take care of it correctly, it might happen.

They have tropical leaves similar to banana trees and can grow as high as seven feet, even in the room. Long leaves, like knives are also wide enough, about three feet length. This tree requires full bright light, so be sure to give the sun at least five hours every day.

  1. African milk trees

high house plants


Botanical name: euphorbia trigona

Exposure to sunlight: bright light, indirect

Land type: Sumur succulent land

Land pH: 6.1 to 7.8

This plant is as beautiful as its name, African milk trees (no, it does not produce milk). It’s delicious, which looks very similar to the cactus, with thick rods limited to small nails and leaves on three sides.

high house plants


Euphorbia Trigona gives interesting vibrations and such as deserts that look very cool in the room and even outdoors. To grow a large indoor cactus, they need bright indirect light. They grow up to eight feet in the room, and if you want, you can reduce the highest portion and cultivate it as a new plant. This is one of the best cactus to grow in the room.

Quick tip: When handling this plant, wear gloves because it has many nails and milk sap that can irritate your skin.

  1. Rubber factory

high house plants


Botanical name: ficus elastica

Exposure to sunlight: bright light, indirect

Land type: drain fast, mix pot all-purpose

Land pH: 6.0

Add elegance to space in your room with this easy-to-grow ornamental plant. Yes, you guessed it right! We talk about rubber factories. Attractive rubber factories have long and shiny leaves, and have become one of the most favorite plants of the American people.

high house plants


This factory does not require high maintenance and brings the atmosphere of sophistication to any space. However, they grow quickly, so you have to keep them in the right amount of water and sunlight. In just a few years, they can reach up to ten feet!

Quick tip: keep plants remain humid in warmer months, and during the winter, splash a little water once a week.

  1. Palm parade.

high house plants


Botanical name: Chameedorea elegans

Exposure to sunlight: bright light, indirect

Land type: mixed pots that are well dried

Land pH: 5.1 to 7.5

Do you like palm trees? Of course, you cannot grow it in your home; However, you can do one thing. Buy Palm Parlor Tree! Yes, this slow pidy palm tree can grow up to four feet and will give you the vibration of the original palm tree.

high house plants


They need moisture like the forest, so put it in the bathroom or palace you pan on a water tray with gravel. This will lift the bottom of the pan and moisturize the air around your plant. So add some dramas in smaller rooms or low ceilings with the help of this extraordinary tree.

Also read: 11 top tropical house plants to make your own green space

  1. Umbrella factory

high house plants


Botanical name: Schefflera Actinophylla

Exposure to sunlight: bright light, indirect

Soil type: commercial land that is fastly used

Land pH: 6 to 6.5

Umbrella factory, also known as Schefflera Actinophylla, has a middle and leafy group (set in a circle around the middle stem). These beautiful plants usually do not flower in the room but can grow 10 feet high.


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